Join us during the general meetings to participate in a Writers Table. These are short (40 minutes or so) informational or practice sessions on the craft of writing. Hosted by Mt. Diablo members, these sessions cover many topics of interest to writers.
*For schedules of specific meetings, see the Meetings and Workshops page.
Schedule for 2024-2025
- January: Barry Hampshire on AI
- See below for Topics
- February 8: Marlene Dotterer, David George, Linda Hartman, Jill Hedgecock, Lucinda Jackson, Gala Russ (See below for Topics)
- March 8: No Writers Table due to workshop
- April 12: Lori Armstrong, Mark Clifford, David George, Marlene Dotterer, Linda Hartman, Lucinda Jackson (See below for Topics)
- May 10: Michael Barrington, Mark Clifford, Barry Hampshire, Jill Hedgecock, Bob O’Brien (See below for Topics)
- June 14: Lori Armstrong, Michael Barrington, Mark Clifford, Barry Hampshire, Bob O’Brien (See below for Topics)
Adverbs with Barry Hampshire (11/9, 5/10, 6/14)
We will look at this prickly topic and gain a better understanding of when they
should/can be used or alternatives.
Be a Bad Poet: Breaking Through Inhibitions to Bring Poetry Into Your Writing Life with Lori Armstrong (1/11, 4/12, 6/14)
We’ll be doing creative and funny exercises in “bad poetry” and addressing the
insecurities that keep many of us from trying/pursuing poetry as an expressive
Beta-Reading The Write Way with Linda Hartmann (1/11, 2/8, 4/12)
We’ll discuss what beta-reading is all about and how it adds amazing, surprising, and outstanding value to your final drafts and published works.
Create Your Profile on our Member Directory with Marlene Dotterer (11/9, 2/8, 4/12)
Step-by-Step guidance for anyone unsure of how to set up your profile, led by
webmaster Marlene Dotterer
Expanding Your Horizons Beyond Your Book with Lucinda Jackson (1/11, 2/8, 4/12)
This Writers Table will offer ideas on how to expand your own horizons beyond publishing your book. We will explore many avenues to extend your reach, collaborate with other authors, publish articles, appear on radio and podcasts, write magazine columns, join organizations, speak at diverse events, and much more.
Litutainment: The Next Evolution of Storytelling with Mark Clifford (4/12, 5/10,
Authors are suffocated by celebrities publishing vanity books! Seeing this, I came
up for air and created my own genre. Imagine a new art form, “Litutainment”. This
innovative creative process fuses literature, audio theater, and animation to create a captivating experience that transcends traditional storytelling.
Real World Dangerous Police/Criminal Confrontations/Encounters—What You’ve Always Secretly Wanted to Know with Bob O’Brien (11/09, 5/10, 6/14)
For crime, mystery, and police writers—I’m often asked what policing incidents
are “really” like.
Staying Relevant in Retirement through Writing with David George (1/11, 2/08, 4/12)
How do you stay relevant in retirement? Through your writing! Join David in
exploring all the ways to stay connected with the modern world through the
power of the written word.
Start Your Book Launch Plan Before Your Book is Done with Jill Hedgecock (1/11, 2/8, 5/10)
It may seem overwhelming to begin marketing when you are in the midst of editing to your manuscript or tweaking your book cover. But this is a critical step to maximizing the potential for a successful book launch. In this session, I will cover setting up Amazon ads, resources for mailing list management and
newsletter swaps, direct sale events, book blurbs, and social media options.
Ten Tips for Writing a Memoir with Michael Barrington (11/9, 5/10, 6/14)
Let’s take a look at the difference between Memoir & Autobiography. I’ll review
the five basic principles of Memoir and offer ten tips to get you started.
To Hire an Editor or Not to Hire an Editor: What Kind of Editor You Need and When You Need Them with Gala Russ (11/09, 1/11, 2/08)
Gain clarity on different types of editorial services (developmental, copy, line editor, proofreader, book coach), learn how to assess your manuscript’s needs,
and leave empowered to make informed decisions for your self-publishing or traditional publishing journey
Our Next Writers Table
Meet our Writers Table Lineup for February
Writers Table is a standard feature of our monthly meetings (except workshops). It starts at 11:15 a.m.
Our February 8th Writers Table will be another “Choose Your Table” event with multiple tables/topics for you to choose from. Each of these presentations will be repeated later in the year (see dates in parentheses).

Andrew Benzie
Cover Design Concepts (2/8)
Learn about the qualities that make for a strong cover design and how to achieve the most leverage out of your brand.
*Please bring your cover ideas or samples to discuss*

Marlene Dotterer
Create Your Profile on our Member Directory
(2/8, 4/12)
Step-by-Step guidance for anyone unsure of how to set up your profile.
*Important!* Bring a laptop or tablet you use to get online.
David George
Staying Relevant in Retirement through Writing (2/8, 4/12)
Join David in exploring all the ways to stay connected with the modern world through the power of the written word.

Linda Hartmann
Beta-Reading The Write Way (2/8, 4/12)
We’ll discuss what beta-reading is all about and how it adds amazing, surprising, and outstanding value to your final drafts and published works.

Gala Russ
To Hire an Editor or Not to Hire an Editor: What Kind of Editor You Need and When You Need Them
Gain clarity on different types of editorial services (developmental, copy, line editor, proofreader, book coach), learn how to assess your manuscript’s needs, and leave empowered to make informed decisions for your self-publishing or traditional publishing journey.

Lucinda Jackson
Expanding Your Horizons Beyond Your Book (2/8, 4/12))
Contact Us
Have an idea for a topic you’d like to see? Can you lead a session to share your own tips and knowledge? Let us know! Click here to view past topics.
Benefits: Writers Table
Form for members to suggest topics or offer to lead.